How To Properly Pack Your Dry Herb Vaporizer

Aug 28, 2024
How To Properly Pack Your Dry Herb Vaporizer

Bop it! Twist it! Pull it! Pack it? Yes, pack it, because today we aren’t concerning ourselves with the turn of the century genius that was the Bop It, no no instead we are going to be helping you pack your Mini Plus Vaporizer full of dry herbs properly!

This will encompass everything from the material preparation of your herbs, to the penultimate act of packing your Mini Plus full of these now perfectly prepped dry delectables.

Keep scrolling through this Exxus Explainer to get a better idea of how to both prepare and then pack your dry herbs, to get the most powerfully pure experience that you deserve.

How To Prepare Your Dry Herbs For Vaporization

If you were Rocky Balboa getting ready for a bout with Ivan Drago, would you train to fight Jason Voorhees or would you study the moves of Ivan Drago?

Obviously you would be training to fight Ivan Drago, which is a roundabout way of saying you need to prepare your dry materials for the task at hand, there is no catch all. That’s why when you go to grind your dry herbs, it's important to not just follow your typical protocols for a water pipe or paper, but instead get them ready specifically for vaporizing.

To begin prepping for a Mini Plus dry herb session, we recommend that you remove any sort of seed, stem, or old flower materials from your herbs. This is going to help your chamber heat evenly and at the same speeds in order to reduce any issues like combustion or poor flavor.

Herbs resting in and near grinder

How To Grind Your Dry Herbs For Vaporization

When it comes to the act of physically grinding your herb, we recommend you use a standard grinder to make sure your materials are all of the same consistency. If you are in a pinch using a pair of scissors in conjunction with a cup or simply using your hands can work as well!

The aim is to grind your material to the point it is coarse, fully broken up, but not so small that it will slip through your screen and into the vaporizer. You want to have a uniform consistency where the dry herbs are all roughly in similar sized pieces, this both increases your materials surface area for vaporization and makes sure heating happens evenly.

This is a balancing act where you never want to over grind your materials, but without them being completely broken up you won’t be getting the proper experience.

Materials should always be broken up before being placed in your Mini Plus, as putting in whole herbs will result in a less than stellar session.

How To Properly Pack Your Mini Plus

Now that your dry herbs are properly shredded you are ready to start packing your Mini Plus for a nice cloud blowing session or adventure!

When it comes to loading your chamber you want to slowly sprinkle your ground materials in as opposed to dumping them, this prevents any spillage that can lead to issues with your airflow and vapor seal once you replace the mouthpiece.

We also recommend making sure to avoid squeezing your dry herbs too tightly while placing them in, this can lead to the creation of small balls that will vaporize at a different rate than the rest of the herb leading to potential burnt flavor or clogging.

Once your herbs are in the chamber, use either your finger or a tool to gently pack them down a bit. To avoid over packing, give the herbs a slight stir to make sure that they are not jammed together and still have room for air to come through.

You don’t want to have a chamber that isn’t full enough, yet at the same time need to avoid overfilling. It is a delicate balance that resembles a certain home invasion fable…

Exxus Mini Plus in jungle clearing on display platform with herbs near

Finding The Goldilocks Pack Zone

Much like the infamous story of a family of bears losing their lunch to a fussy intruder, the “perfect” herb pack for your Mini Plus exists in the ideal middle ground of not too tight and not too loose. A perfect balance that allows both airflow and a satisfying pull all in one.

While this seems like it would be difficult to achieve, it's actually incredibly easy once you start to pack your Mini Plus more often.

As you vape, you will notice that if the pack is too tight then you will get poor airflow and if you pack too loose your vapor will be thin in comparison. These will inform you of the errors in your pack and you can adjust accordingly until you are seshing like a dry herb pro.

Finding your own “goldilocks zone” is a rewarding process as at the end of the day the only person who can tell you if your Mini Plus is packed correctly is you!

The Perfectly Packed Outro

Now you are ready to get your Mini Plus, properly prepare your dry materials, and then get right to packing with all the knowledge you need for an amazing session!

Putting in the time to set up for a vaping session pays off big when you have clouds that flavor, potency, and airflow are exactly where you want them to make your dry herbs sing.

For more tips and insights from the team, make sure to go ahead and check out our official Exxus Vaporizer Blog right here! Until next time stay vaping!