Vapor Meditation: 5 Soothing Methodologies and Vapes

Aug 14, 2024
Vapor Meditation: 5 Soothing Methodologies and Vapes

Clear your mind, take some deep breaths, and get ready to learn a little bit about the different methodologies that exist for meditation and how they consist of vastly different techniques.

To help elevate your meditation explorations, we thought it would be important to look at which of our vaporizers would match the mood, feeling, and actions of these different popular meditation techniques.

Continue on in this Exxus Vaporizer Blog to gain some insight into the world of meditative practices and how you can easily replicate them yourself for a calmer you.

Mindfulness Meditation

First among our methods we have mindfulness meditation! This is a technique where you are intensely focusing on your thoughts as they come to be, in order to purge your mind of any negative feelings and really get in tune with your own mind.

You will actively try to notice your every thought, breath, and movement as you begin to examine the feelings coursing through your body. Sometimes focusing on an object or your breathing pattern specifically can get you further into this state of mindfulness.

If that sounds a bit heady to you, trust us you are not alone, that’s why to aid in this free flow of cognitive information we think that the Minovo is the perfect assistant to accompany you!

This is on account of the Minovo being a full functional auto draw vaporizer, this means that instead of holding down any kind of button, you instead just inhale from the mouthpiece and it automatically fires up!

That means when you are practicing your mindfulness meditation you can continue your train of thought unabated by fumbling around for a button, instead you just hold onto your Minovo and take a hit whenever you are feeling the need.

The seamless interaction between you and your Minovo will make achieving mindfulness meditation that much easier for a more effective experience!

Woman holding Exxus Go Plus in front of blue studio background

Loving Kindness Meditation

The next form of meditation, loving kindness, is a sort of Barney the Dinosaur esque take on the practice that involves mentally appreciating your loved ones and those in your life, enemies included, in order to project a more happy mental being.

Thus you engage in a bit of “I love you, you love me” thinking in order to reduce your stress levels and fill your mind with appreciative thoughts about your life.

We can think of no better addition to loving kindness meditation, than the exquisitely powerful Go Plus Concentrate Vaporizer. These phenomenal desktop vaporizers are the perfect addition to your meditation as they possess the power to give you those really potent higher temperature dabs thanks to its legendary 5,200mAh battery and precise temperature control.

The Go Plus opens the door for you to dive deeper into your feelings of love and kindness, thanks to its easy to use water filtration making your clouds as pillowy soft as can be.

All of this is great for positive thinking and reducing the stressors you carry around with yourself.

Meditation Through Motion

A form of meditation that is fairly self explanatory, motion meditation is the practice of relieving your stress and negative energy by using activity in conjunction with positive thinking.

This means activities like going for a walk, bike ride, or run through the neighborhood is a great way to engage your body and mind for a more positive outlook.

To accompany you on these journeys, we can’t think of a more perfect option than the Claro Cartridge Vaporizer! This little guy is compact at around 2” tall, potent with voltages from 1.8 - 4.2v, and even comes with a built-in key chain loop so you can be on the move while always keeping your Claro secure.

This key chain loop gives you an extra piece of mind in order to let you fully focus on your meditation through motion, without worry about where your vaporizer is along the way.

"You're good enough" mantra on a notebook

Mantra Meditation

For a different take, there exists the topic of mantra meditation. This is one that employs the use of repeated words and or phrases in order to provide your body with a calming rhythm that allows you to deal better with stress.

Common mantras exist all over the world with ones ranging from “I am enough” all the way to much longer ones that require meticulous memorization in order to get the most effect.

As a mantra can be employed anywhere you are, whether you are saying it out loud or just inside your head - we believe that the Mini Plus is going to be your best friend!

These awesome dry herb vaporizers allow for elongated sessions, which goes perfectly with the act of reciting your mantras. Better yet, the Mini Plus has a temperature range all the way from 320˚F - 410˚F in order to allow you to experience both cooler and hotter clouds.

This unlocks many different experiences for you and your Mini Plus, and has the reliability that you need to match your stabilizing mantras.

Guided Meditation

The concept of guided meditation, is where you have a person, either pre recorded or live, guide you through your meditative process with an almost ASMR like effect.

Here the goal is to allow your mind to completely follow the instructions in order to open up new pathways in how you think and process stress. While not an exact science, there is a lot to be said about listening to someone's voice and really appreciating every word.

The VRS 3-In-1 allows you to listen in closely to your guide audio, while also being able to add in the physical aspect of using your vape in all of its different modes.

Switching between the nectar collecting mode and the cartridge mode all the while listening to a guided mediation is a great way to sync your mind up to the calming rhythm of the voices.

Man holding Exxus VRS near chest and window

Breathe Outro

Meditation clearly has a whole lot of different options for you to explore, so don’t be afraid to experiment with any of these to create your own perfect routine! The same goes for our vaporizer selection, all of these great options are perfect for any of these meditative practices.

For more insights, product breakdowns, and postings make sure to check out our Official Exxus Vaporizer Blog right here!